Mikropigmentacja skóry głowy

Scalp micropigmentation – price, opinions, information

Baldness, to a greater or lesser degree, is faced by every second man over the age of fifty. This problem can also affect younger people and women. It is most often caused by hormonal disorders, poor diet, stress, certain medications and also genetic tendencies. Baldness can significantly affect self-esteem and self-confidence. It can be a source of complexes and even depression. The remedy for this troublesome affliction may be scalp micropigmentation. What does this procedure consist in?

What does scalp micropigmentation consist of?

Micropigmentation (dermatography, medical tattooing) involves the introduction of a dye (pigment) under the skin. Micropigmentation is otherwise known as medical tattooing. However, it should not be equated with artistic tattooing. In contrast, the pigment in micropigmentation is inserted shallowly under the skin. The pigment is placed only in the epidermis, and not – as in classical tattooing – at the level of the dermis. The procedure makes it possible to hide baldness or recreate the illusion of one’s own hair in areas of damage, such as scars in the scalp.

Micropigmentation allows you to:

  • Improve the appearance in the case of having sparse hair, (optical thickening)
  • Recreating the hairline in cases where there are hair curves,
  • Creating the effect of a short-shorn head in the absence of one’s own hair,
  • Hiding scars caused by mechanical injuries,
  • Hiding scars from hair transplantation,
  • Optically enhancing the effect of hair transplantation,
  • Optical supplementation of alopecia areata.

The end result is to mimic a short shaved head. Micropigmentation offers the possibility of a natural effect and allows covering any area of the body. The method can be used in almost any type of alopecia, in both men and women. Micropigmentation can be performed with any hair color: gray, blond, red, etc., as the color is selected individually from a wide range of colors. During the procedure, tiny, precise micro-punctures are made. Micro pigmentation uses inorganic pigments derived from minerals. This is because inorganic pigments, are natural to the human body and carry a minimal risk of allergic reaction.

Micropigmentation of the scalp
Micropigmentation of the scalp

Course of micropigmentation treatment

The procedure begins with the restoration of the natural hairline. The shape of the line is determined individually and depends on the shape of the head, face and individual preferences. The final effect must be as natural as possible so it is important that when introducing the pigment the line connecting the natural hair with the pigmented area is invisible.

The procedure is performed using disposable needles. The pigment can be inserted manually with a single needle or by using a roller equipped with rotating needles with a cartridge containing the pigment.

The entire procedure is silent and painless, as the pigment is deposited shallowly under the skin and no deep punctures are required.

More often than not, the entire process involves several sessions, depending on how the healing process progresses and if there is any additional pigmentation or corrections to be made.

Some of the salons that perform micropigmentation, offer patients to perform a so-called “jagged hairline. This is a technique to achieve a more natural effect by creating a jagged, irregular and gently fading line at the front.

Depending on the severity of the problem, the procedure can take up to three hours. It is performed using local anesthesia beforehand. The procedure is performed on short-cut hair in the case of men. In the case of women, due to the different nature of baldness, it is not necessary to shorten the hair.

Indications and contraindications

Micropigmentation is directed to people facing hair loss for various reasons. Both women and men benefit from the procedures. However, the problem of baldness more often affects men. The treatment is dedicated to people struggling with both male pattern baldness and total baldness.

The main contraindications include:

  • Taking blood-thinning medications,
  • Skin diseases,
  • Infections and inflammation,
  • Taking steroid preparations,
  • Diabetes,
  • Psoriasis,

After the scalp micropigmentation procedure

Immediately after the procedure, the micropigmented skin is slightly red and irritated. Symptoms depend on individual predisposition. Mostly they subside after a few days. It is important to wash your head without added cleansers and protect it from the sun in the first few days after the treatment. For a few days after the treatment, the epidermis may peel off. After the treatment, the pigment is intense but it lightens to 50% in about 2 weeks.

For the first 2-3 weeks after treatment, avoid using saunas, swimming pools, tanning beds and exposing the treated area to cold air. Also, do not use antibiotics or food products that can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, do not remove the flaky skin yourself or use preparations containing ingredients that strongly accelerate the healing process.

The final effect is visible after about 4 weeks, when the skin is healed.


Prices vary depending on individual preference and the severity of baldness. They vary slightly from city to city. Indicatively, prices close in the range:

  • Beards 100 – 1500 zł
  • Top of the head 1500 – 2000 zł
  • The bangs and top of the head 2500 – 3500 zł
  • The bangs, top of the head and back of the head 3900 – 4900 zł
  • Whole head 6000 – 7000 zł

Beautiful, thick hair is identified with health and youth. Baldness or at least thinning hair can be a source of complexes. This is particularly acute in the case of women. People struggling with this problem reach for various ways that can help them hide it. Micropigmentation appears to be a permanent and effective way and, unlike hair transplantation surgery, carries minimal risk of complications or complications. In addition, dyes of natural origin are used to minimize allergic reactions.

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