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Is positioning going down the drain?

A lot has been going on in the SEO industry lately. both in Poland and around the world. Google has recently introduced quite a few significant algorithm updates. There is a lament and cry on the most popular forum about SEO. Positioners, or perhaps pseudo-positioners, are unable to analyze and draw conclusions based on their sites and competitors. Unfortunately, analysis of Google changes is a must, and any self-respecting SEO specialist must have such a skill. But that’s not what the article is about. Is SEO going down the drain? Of course not! Positioning has become easier than before. You don’t need thousands of links to position a site. The methods that used to work have weakened, and what matters now is a good link. But can you position a site from links that come from poor quality sites. Of course you can! Unfortunately, in the second case there is a greater chance of getting a filter. With the changes in Google, deposition of competitor sites has become something incredibly easy to do. Many times it is much cheaper to knock out the entire top3 for a particular phrase than to position yourself.

Is positioning going down the drain?

On the Internet there is a lot of advice on positioning itself and generally making money on the Internet, such as Positioning. Quite a few people recommend this blog as one of the few worth subscribing to. Back to SEO itself. Certainly, positioning will become more and more expensive, but it is the specialists who are rubbing their hands together. Clients with smaller budgets will have a harder time standing out. But in the age of Google craziness, you never know 😀 On the forum they laugh that Google has introduced random in search results. Too smart people are behind the search engine to make search results random. In conclusion, the SEO industry is not dying, it’s just becoming more valuable, where you have to start thinking with your head. Unfortunately, a lot of people can’t think with their heads in SEO, so by the same token, a lot of one-person companies will start failing for lack of clients. The only question is whether this is a bad thing? Sifting out the pokemons can work out well for companies that respect the Client and know their job.

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