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Proper feeding of the rabbit

Proper nutrition of the rabbit, is, as in the life of any other creature, the most important factor that allows the proper functioning of the body.To fully meet their nutritional needs, they must provide their bodies with adequate amounts of complete ingredients such as concentrated feeds.

The structure of the digestive system of rabbits (a very small stomach and a long digestive tract) allows them to utilize high-fiber feeds very well. The intestines of rabbits (primarily the cecum) have a very large capacity, so that bacterial fermentation changes with good nutrition occur properly.

In addition to all the factors affecting the health of the rabbit, it is also necessary to take care of the oral cavity It should be remembered that rabbits, in addition to the incisors visible from the front, also have 24 other teeth that we do not see at first glance. The longer they are busy chewing their food, the more they abrade them, which in their case is essential. The average rabbit takes food about 80 times a day. This is due to both the need to occupy themselves with something and, above all, the natural need to grind their teeth, which grow throughout their lives (5mm per week). Too much tooth growth can end very badly for our pet.

Proper feeding of the rabbit

Despite the fact that rabbits eat very often and willingly, we can’t allow ourselves to rely on their needs. At the same time, the method of leaving an empty bowl in the cage also does not have the desired effect. The only ingredients we can leave for the rabbit permanently are hay and, of course, water. In addition, as an ideal way to grind teeth, we can allow ourselves to give the rabbit a twig from a tree or lime purchased from a pet store. The most recommended are twigs from oak, maple, lime, apple, raspberry, hornbeam vine, alder, currant, beech. All twigs of stone trees, yew, maple, boxwood and juniper are considered harmful.

Both twigs and all other fruits and vegetables, should be thoroughly washed and DRY before serving. The digestive system of such small animals is very sensitive. Particular care should be taken to ensure that twigs do not come from sprayed trees (although even unsprayed trees can pose a danger), and that vegetables and fruits do not come from crops along busy roads with lots of exhaust fumes. The best solution is to buy plants from markets and bazaars and avoid supermarkets.
Fresh food is best fed to the bunny twice a day. In the morning dry feed ( grains or pellets), while in the evening something lighter such as vegetables or greens. It is best to diversify the rabbit’s diet often by giving it different types of mixes, while remembering to give each new food ingredient gradually. Rabbits are not very picky when it comes to food, however, in the case of mixtures, they will choose for themselves what is more tasty grains. Juicy vegetables or fruits can partially replace drinking water. NOTE: Partially, not completely. When giving pets more fruit, they will consume less water, but they must have constant access to it. Water is necessary for the movement of food in the digestive system of rabbits, helps maintain a normal body temperature, as it absorbs excess heat in the body and cooperates with the work of the kidneys.

When determining the amount of food to be fed, both the size, age, sex and health of the rabbit should be taken into account. Not every diet is right for a particular pet. The best solution is to weigh the rabbit periodically to control whether our pet has gained too much weight (in which case reduce the amount of food given) or lost weight (in which case increase the amount of food given, but do not give too caloric ingredients such as grains or pellets). Also, do not give rabbits anything that they do not have access to while living in the wild. All kinds of sweets, yogurts or leftovers from the kitchen are harmful to his body. Our darlings are most likely to eat greens from our own balcony crops. Then we can be sure that the food we give them is free of Salmonella or myxomatosis bacteria. In the case of plants from other sources, it is enough to simply wash them thoroughly. The most popular vegetables eaten by rabbits are: carrots (you should give no more than one a day), apple (it has a high amount of juice so that the rabbit is more hydrated, and rubs off its incisors), leaves of dandelion, periwinkle or yarrow, clover, flaxseed, celery, parsley, radish leaves, raspberry leaves, lovage, sage, mugwort, wormwood and dill.The tougher the plant the better for the teeth of our charge.

Any doubts, questions or concerns about the nutrition of our charges should be immediately reported to trusted veterinarians.

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