Tag: animal

Mikro świnka

Miniature pig, micro pig or mini pig, what is the breed anyway?

In the past, pigs served humans only as livestock. At that time, it would not have even crossed anyone's mind to keep them at home as pets, making people's time more pleasant with their company. The place of pigs was in the pigsty, and people did not form bonds with ...

Własny koń, jak to wszystko wygląda

Own a horse, what does it all look like?

Own a horse, what does it all look like? Many of us would like to have our own horse. However, is it possible given the conditions in which we live? Of course, a big influence on whether having our own horse is possible in our case is what stable for ...

Prawidłowe żywienie królika

Proper feeding of the rabbit

Proper nutrition of the rabbit, is, as in the life of any other creature, the most important factor that allows the proper functioning of the body.To fully meet their nutritional needs, they must provide their bodies with adequate amounts of complete ingredients such as concentrated feeds. The structure of the ...

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