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What is the shelf life of fuels – gasoline and diesel?

Fuel is an essential part of everyone’s daily life. Its fluctuating prices, linked to the geopolitical and economic situation, make many people wonder whether diesel has an expiration date and how long gasoline can stand in the tank before it loses its properties. In the following article, we will take a closer look at these issues and give some hints on how long fuels can be stored.

What is the expiration date for gasoline and diesel fuel?

The way fuels are stored is determined by strict regulations, which must be followed for safety reasons, among others. However, when using fuels, whether wholesale or retail, in addition to proper storage, we should also keep in mind their shelf life.

The shelf life of fuels refers to the period during which gasoline or diesel fuel retains its original properties, guaranteeing the safe and efficient use of vehicles and machinery. As with most products, fuels have a fixed expiration date, beyond which they can degrade in quality. Out-of-date fuel can cause a variety of problems, including engine starting, reduced engine performance, or damage to fuel system components.

It is assumed that fuels retain all their properties for about six months after refueling, but the first signs of oxidation can appear as early as 3 months after filling the tank or tank.

What affects the shelf life of fuels?

There are many factors that can affect the shelf life of both gasoline and diesel fuel. The shelf life is relatively short, and many people are not even aware of how long fuel can be stored. Below are some of the most important factors affecting the shelf life of gasoline and diesel:

What affects the shelf life of fuels?
What affects the shelf life of fuels?

  • Chemical composition: Gasoline and diesel contain various chemical components that can react with each other or degrade when exposed to external factors. The chemical stability of the fuel is therefore crucial to its shelf life.
  • Storage conditions: Fuel should be stored under appropriate conditions to prevent loss of quality. The optimal storage temperature for gasoline and diesel fuel is usually between 5°C and 25°C. Temperatures that are too low or too high, moisture, exposure to sunlight or access to air, can accelerate degradation processes.
  • Additives and stabilizers: Some fuels can be enriched with additives or stabilizers to improve their durability. However, the presence of such substances can shorten the shelf life of fuels.
  • Purity: Gasoline that contains impurities, such as water, dust or other foreign substances, loses its properties faster. Therefore, it is important that fuel is purchased from a trusted supplier and stored in clean containers.

How to extend the expiration date of fuel?

It is important to remember that fuel has a limited shelf life and should not be used beyond that time. Overdue diesel or gasoline can cause serious breakdowns. However, when it comes to storing fuel, there are some precautions that can help keep it in the best possible condition for a long time:

  1. An important point is to store fuels in sealed, special tanks, designed for storing gasoline and diesel fuel. Before filling them, make sure they are clean and regularly serviced. Lids should be in working order and undamaged to minimize contact with air and reduce the risk of fuel oxidation.

    Note that mauser-type containers, due to their performance, are not suitable for storing fuel.
  2. Fuel should be stored in a a cool and dry place, as too high or too low temperatures and moisture can accelerate its degradation process. Therefore, it is worth choosing a storage location that is shaded and not susceptible to changing weather conditions, while complying with regulations.

  3. To prolong the life of the fuel, you can add a Stabilizer. Added according to the manufacturer’s instructions, it can help prevent the fuel from losing its properties for a longer period of time.

  4. Fuel stored for longer periods of time should be inspected regularly inspection. Any irregularities in its color or odor, such as clouding or delamination, means that the fuel has already lost its properties and is not suitable for use.

It is worth remembering that the aforementioned measures help minimize fuel degradation, but will not extend its validity indefinitely. If you have any doubts about the condition of the fuel, it is advisable to consult specialists who can provide more detailed guidance on fuel storage and use.

Check out Petromex’s offer

The shelf life of fuels, is an important factor in ensuring the safe and efficient use of vehicles and machinery. The chemical composition, storage conditions and additives and stabilizers are key factors affecting the shelf life of gasoline and fuel oil.

If you want to learn more about the shelf life of fuels and tanks for their safe storage contact us. Petromex specialists will be happy to answer all your questions.

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