Polisa OC na 3 miesiące — o czym warto wiedzieć?

Third party liability policy for 3 months – what is worth knowing?

Usually people who insure a car choose a standard OC with a one-year contract. However, according to the regulations, you can take out an OC insurance contract for 3 months. Find out more about the conditions you need to meet to take advantage of this.

Short-term insurance – how it works

To be able to buy a third-party liability policy for 3 months, you must be the owner of a slow-moving vehicle, moving up to a maximum of 25 km/h (i.e. construction or agricultural vehicles, for example). However, this does not apply to farmers who use such a vehicle on a daily basis in the course of their business. If you want to learn more about the conditions you need to meet in order to buy a short-term OC, read the current law – more specifically, the Law of May 22, 2003 on Compulsory Insurance, the Insurance Guarantee Fund and the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau. It is also worth noting that a short-term third-party liability policy is as valid and full-fledged as a standard one-year insurance policy.

Third party liability policy for 3 months
Third party liability policy for 3 months

Who is entitled to short-term third-party liability insurance?

In order to purchase short-term third-party liability insurance, specific criteria must be met, which coincide with the legal act. For example, owners of slow-moving vehicles, that is, a vehicle that is not able to go faster than 25 kilometers per hour, because its design limits the speed of travel, can take advantage of this. Here it is also worth mentioning that the possibility of short-term oc insurance is not limited to just three months. Under a short-term policy, you can also insure your car for 30 days.

Where to buy third-party liability insurance for 3 months?

Nowadays, buying insurance coverage for a motor vehicle is simpler than ever. You can buy auto insurance from a number of different insurance companies – all you have to do is search the Internet for different insurance companies and then compare their offers. Usually you will find the most popular year-round insurance, but if you are interested in a short-term policy, check whether your chosen insurer offers such an option. It is also worth using an insurance comparison site in this case.

When can you take out a short-term insurance contract for a period of 30 days?

As we mentioned earlier, short-term insurance is not only one for 3 months. The Insurance Guarantee Fund also has the option of taking out a third-party liability policy for, say, 30 days. This can be used by owners of vehicles:

historic – this is a vintage vehicle, which must be at least 40 years old or less, but an automobile appraiser has recognized it as a rarity of significance to automotive history.

temporarily registered,

registered abroad.

What’s more, short-term policies can also be taken out by companies that have the business of running a car dealership – that is, buying and selling second-hand cars.

What else is worth knowing when buying short-term vehicle liability insurance?

Standard annual car insurance, after the expiration of the coverage period, renews automatically. Unless the owner breaks the contract early. The owner only gets a notification that the contract has been renewed and concluded for another year. However, when it comes to short-term liability insurance, by virtue of the fact that the owner of the vehicle takes it out on an ad hoc basis, it is not renewed automatically. In particular, owners of vehicles registered temporarily or who have a vehicle from abroad should keep this in mind. The consequences of not having automobile insurance are severe, so coverage should continue without interruption. If you would like to learn more, check out the frequently asked questions about how to insure a car with a short-term policy. Certainly the insurance company will have such information.

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