
Clomid (clomiphene citrate) what is it? How to take it?

Clomid/ photo:

Clomid is a preparation containing clomiphene, is used to block the action of female sex hormones, namely estrogen. It is used as a so-called unlock after a cycle in order to equalize the production of hormones. What are the effects of its use, what side effects may occur, who is not recommended to use this preparation? Read.

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Clomid (clomiphene citrate) – Clomid odblok

Clomid is the trade name for clomiphene citrate (Clomiphane Citrate). Anabolic steroids, for the most part, cause the body to stop (inhibit) its own production of testosterone. After a cycle is completed, the natural production of testosterone – the male sex hormone – is stopped, and steroid levels are low, the body is put into a catabolic state. This means that most of the muscle tissue acquired during the cycle will be lost. This is why clomid is used to optimize the release of testosterone after an SAA cycle, as soon as possible to minimize the loss of strength and mass. Clomid odblok is highly valued by athletes because it restores the body’s natural hormonal balance to the state before steroid use, while not adversely affecting gains. Thus, it causes the preservation of muscle mass and normal testosterone levels. In addition, clomid lowers estrogen levels and prevents the appearance of gynecomastia. The product stimulates the hypothalamus, which triggers the release of gonadotropic hormones such as luteinizing hormone (LH) and folliculotropin (FSH). Folliculotropin stimulates the testes to synthesize testosterone, while LH triggers its secretion. This is a popular feedback mechanism: hypothalamus-pituitary. And this increases testosterone production and release into the bloodstream. Clomid causes an increase in the production and secretion of testosterone to raise its level in the blood, and thus compensate for the decreasing amount of hormones of exogenous origin.

Clomid – effects of the steroid

As we have already mentioned, clomid has an effect on balancing the hormonal balance in the body. However, this is not the only advantage of taking this preparation with clomiphene citrate. Let’s start with estrogen defined as the female sex hormone, which is responsible for female characteristics – growing breasts, higher voice, menstrual cycle. However, estrogen is also found in men, but in a much smaller amount, since an excess of it can cause undesirable traits such as gynecomastia, or nipple enlargement. That’s why clomid is a weak derivative of female estrogen, meaning that it can bind to estrogen-specific receptors, but cannot penetrate the receptor, which only lets through molecules of compounds that are smaller than it. This means that men taking clomid do not have to worry about adverse effects, such as the appearance of female sexual characteristics. Clomid partially penetrates the receptor that acts as a gateway for estrogen, but some of the molecules hook up to it and thus block the flow of real estrogen. Interestingly, clomid was produced artificially in a laboratory setting with the goal of promoting ovulation in women, removing problems associated with difficulty getting pregnant and treating infertility. However, thanks to its properties, it has also begun to be used by athletically active men.

Clomid dosage

The half-life of clomid is about five days. Taking clomid should be done in doses of 50 – 100 mg per day – in short cycles of 4 to 6 weeks. For long cycles, it is recommended to take it unevenly, that is, 250 mg on the first day, 100 mg for the next three days and 50 mg during the next three days and 50mg at the end of the treatment. Both methods are safe.

Clomid side effects

When taking any preparation, side effects, or adverse reactions, can occur, which usually pass spontaneously after a few days. However, if the unwanted effects persist, the product should be discontinued. The most common side effects of taking clomid are:

  • headaches,
  • visual disturbances,
  • hot flashes,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • mood disorders.

Clomid – contraindications

Taking clomid is not advisable if there is a hypersensitivity to the substance, in addition, people who:

  • struggle with liver disease and impaired function of the organ,
  • are being treated for hormone-dependent cancers,
  • have adrenal and thyroid dysfunction,
  • are struggling with hypopituitarism of the primary form,
  • who have been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, uterine bleeding of unknown cause,
  • visual disturbances,
  • is not indicated in postmenopausal women and patients with ovarian dysgenesis,
  • it should also not be taken by pregnant women.

Clomid – frequently asked questions

What does clomid work for?

Clomid is a preparation that is dedicated to patients with ovulation disorders. It has an anti-estrogenic effect, and therefore triggers the release by the brain, of hormones that stimulate the ovaries.

How to take clomid for an unblock?

Taking clomid should be taken in doses of 50 – 100 mg per day, in cycles of 4 to 6 weeks.

Can clomid be bought at a pharmacy?

Clomid drug is issued only by prescription.

How long does clomid persist in the body?

Clomid is detectable for about 6 weeks.

Does Clomid increase testosterone levels?

Yes, Clomid increases the production of testosterone.

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